Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Oh my. Connor's baptism was on Sunday. I was looking forward to this so much and then one by one people kept e-mailing me saying that they couldn't come and then a lot of people just didn't show up. I was very sad on what was suppossed to be a joyous day. To top it off, James hurt his foot. Oh boy.

Connor did awesome, he talked pretty much through the whole thing and enjoyed the process of having water dumped over his head. Guess it is a good thing that he likes bathes so much! I set up the pack and play under my favorite weeping willow tree on the farm and put him in and he fell asleep without uttering a peep. The kids had a great time running around playing soccer, playing by the pond, and catching butterflies. I would jump in here and there--mostly with the soccer ball which greatly upset Paige. She did not want me touching that ball. I tried to climb a tree and she kept yelling at me that I wasn't allowed to because "You are not a squirrel". So, I had to give that up.

I paid the price for running with the kids though. Monday my knee was cracking so bad that I could hear it. Kathy, my physical therapist, wasn't too happy. I have my knee taped now in hopes that this will help although I still hear it clicking. Oh well. LIFE!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

And it goes on.....

Oh my. Life. I am going to start from today because that is where we are. I will back track at a later date to explain where I came from and how I got to the point that I am in today. Today, I am 36 and 5 days pregnant with a little boy, a mother to a three year old darling little girl, and a wife to a patient loving man. I am also grieving prematurely, I guess. Last Friday, hmmm I guess it was March 7th, I was taking a client home from spending a week in the hospital and found out while driving her home that my Grandmother was being admitted to the hospital because she had blood clots in her legs. Fast forward to today, which is where I said that I would focus, and I am planning on going to see my Grandmother in the hospital after having to pretend that I am oh so happy at a 3 year olds birthday party all the while knowing that I am going to see my Grandmother who has now been diagnosed with cancer in her lung, liver, and ovaries. Yes, before I said that she was only admitted for blood clots. I hate the hospital, but my Mom said that my Grandmother is not doing well today--she has been holding strong all week. I think that the change is that she was suppossed to get out of the hospital today and isn't because now she has diarhea and has blood in her stool--TMI--sorry. It is affecting my 3 year old and more so is affecting my Mom so greatly. I don't know what to do. I have to go and get Paige ready for this party and then go to Target to get some gift bags, some meds, and a birthday card. Later for now.